Culture is part of your identity, and having it present on your wedding day is part of what makes the celebration truly special. If you or your significant other practice the Jewish religion, you understand the importance of food, family, and tradition. These essentials are a must-have on the day of your wedding! At Celebrations, we have a team of experts ready to help you plan the perfect reception that celebrates your Jewish background.
In the Jewish religion, a person’s wedding day is one of the most holy days in their life. It is likened to a personal Yom Kippur, as it is a day when each person’s past mistakes are forgiven and they begin their lives anew together. Other Jewish wedding traditions include:
- Kabbalat Panim: The Kallah (bride) and Chatan (groom) greet guests separately, adhering to the tradition of not seeing each other before the wedding ceremony begins. The bride and groom are treated like royalty on their wedding day. The Kallah is seated on a throne to receive her guests, while her Chatan is surrounded by guests as he is sung to and toasted.
- Badeken: This is the veiling of the Kallah by the Chatan, which is symbolic of modesty, showcasing that looks are not important in a relationship and reminding the couple that the soul and personal character should always be more important than appearance.
- Breaking the Glass: It is tradition for the Chatan to shatter a glass with his foot at the conclusion of the wedding ceremony. This is symbolic of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and also signifies the couple’s spiritual and national destiny with the Jewish faith.
Celebrations wedding facility can help you honor these Jewish traditions. Our professional staff promise to prepare your reception with attention to detail and personal care. Our exceptional presentations, gourmet menus, and awarding winning service are the signature of Celebrations. We have indoor and outdoor facilities perfect for your traditional Jewish wedding reception!